Engrish in China

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simplicity_ said:
then what happens to the south bean? run for his life, you think? :bsmilie:

A south bean will slay the fish into a soup. :thumbsup:
West celery fries a tripe. :thumbsup:
I'm hungry!

lol. Wear what also will zao geng. :bsmilie:

simplicity_ said:
think wear blue will still zao geng?

Tell you what, don't wear anything "buay zao geng"
know why?
Because "kwah Liao Liao mah":bsmilie: :bsmilie:

afbug said:
If a west bean pays the fish a soup, do you think a east bean will do the same as well? :think: Maybe he will slaughter a north bean and pays the fish with it. :bsmilie:

My chinese also not very good. lol. Geng! :bsmilie:

Will one might guess that Mr Bean might really do it.


this is freaking funny man... :bsmilie: :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

Thanks for sharing Simplicity.

It's good enough for a grin, but I don't think it's that funny. English is never their forte in China, and I admire their courage in trying things out. The important thing is that they need to know their mistakes. If we just laughed at them, they'll never make it right!

Same as them, many of us as Singaporean Chinese can't even read Chinese, and I think that's even more of a joke. Just listen to some Singaporeans talk over radio/TV. Totally a mixture of Mandarin and English and Hokkien and Malay. We Singaporeans make a hell lot of jokes in China too, with our sub-standard of Mandarin.

What say you all?

Virgo said:
Thanks for sharing Simplicity.

It's good enough for a grin, but I don't think it's that funny. English is never their forte in China, and I admire their courage in trying things out. The important thing is that they need to know their mistakes. If we just laughed at them, they'll never make it right!

Same as them, many of us as Singaporean Chinese can't even read Chinese, and I think that's even more of a joke. Just listen to some Singaporeans talk over radio/TV. Totally a mixture of Mandarin and English and Hokkien and Malay. We Singaporeans make a hell lot of jokes in China too, with our sub-standard of Mandarin.

What say you all?

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

They might even have some sites "Chinese in Singapore", and probably having a good laugh now at how our "potatoes" try to speak chinese. :embrass:

yar lor Singaporean chinese like half baked potatos

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